

I think Enid is my new favorite doll. She’s so mysterious unlike my other girls. Although unlike my other girls I don’t think she likes to be humiliated by bunny costume XD

BlackBird Fly

Blackbird Fly

I brought a blackbird fly the other week! My camera collection is really growing I think I may have to take a photo of them all. I haven’t really had time to take proper photos with it yet, and to be honest I’m not sure how too! I’ve wanted a blackbird fly for ages, probably about the same time I got my golden half camera. However being a student made it impossible to buy nice things like this. I think one of the keys, for me to be successful at university was to have money and keep a visual diary like now. \

Well if I ever decide to go back to university, I’ll know what to do right this time 😉


I seem to have busted my right hand. Did you know thumbs can also go up as well as down? Also typing sucks when you can’t use thumbs.

Photos of my lovely injury soon!


The other day I was asked by my partner to create an .eps logo from a file he had done in flash. It should have been a 10 minute job but blew out to 2 hours because I forgot some fundamental things in illustrator. It occurred to me that I need to play around in illustrator for a little bit. So here are my efforts from last week:


I based this photo from Erykah Badu’s album.


I was inspired by japanese sumi – e paintings. I was watching Samurai Champloo while doing this 🙂


This one I thought would be nice on a cover of a notebook. I was trying to be clever and used the fibonacci scale and a grid for this one. While the first one was a tessalation, the second random.

If you look really closely you can see I was working with a limited palette for each of them. Also the same flower mofit is used in all of them.

Am I a hipster?

My boyfriend showed this video to me the other week. I came to the horrible realisation that I may very well be a hipster. Just one that earns money…..

Perhaps I was always a hipster, I’ve certainly hung out with enough of them through university and school. In fact I would consider some former ex boyfriends hipsters. Personally I think making people feel stupid for who they are is evil and wrong. Though I also think facebook such as this one are evil and wrong too.

Why do I think I’m a hipster or psuedo hipster? For the following reasons:

  1. I like obsurce a authors that no one but me and select few have heard about
  2. I like lomography, gocco and all things old
  3. I would rather buy my clothes from a 2nd hand shop then new, if new then from somewhere like dangerfield
  4. I like vintage style bikes
  5. I have a wide collection of books and records

Edvidence that I’m not a hipster:

  1. I have a job
  2. I eat take out
  3. I have more the 2% body fat
  4. I believe in making things simple, if someone who isn’t involved in the project doesn’t understand than you’ve designed it wrong.
  5. Making people feel bad about themselves or acting superior is just wrong in my books. I have many friends who do this however and feel they’ve done nothing wrong, which is why they are ex friends 🙂
  6. I hate fannel

Of course even if this is conclusive edvidence that I am a hipster and therefore evil, it doesn’t mean that I will change me ways. I like who I am


My Last project fizzled out before it actually started didn’t it? It was a simple enough project 30 photos of me for a month but I just couldn’t find the time to take them 😛

Oh well, life happens and I’ll go back to that project sooner or later!

There are a few competitions that I’m hoping to enter before the end of September.


The first is the 2011 Fringe Poster competition. Although I don’t consider myself a good designer or illustrator yet. I would like to have a go. I believe this year’s theme is “King and Queen”. The competition closes in September so I have to get a move on! If you want more information on the poster, you can have a look on the Fringe website.


The second is the blythe photo competition. I’m not the best blythe photographer, in fact I probably get about 10 views on every photo I upload to flickr. However I do enjoy taking photos and think I would have a good shot (ha ha pun time!) this time. This competition ends in 16th September.

Diana F+ Camera

I know, I know I write about what I want to buy A LOT. What can I say? I’m a consumerist type of person, things make me happy. Okay that’s a lie, I’ve just recently gained an interest in photography, printing, etc.

The latest thing to catch my eye is the Diana F+ camera. I’ve seen some fantastic shots taken on flickr. So I decided to have a look on Lomography to see what cameras I could get. So of course the first thing I noticed was the Diana F+ camera from snow cat.


It’s just super adorable. At some point I was considering the CMYK but lets face it, as a designer who loves type and colour that thing is UGLY! While snow cat on the other hand is cute!


Of course one of the good things about the Diana is all the accessories that come with it. Such as the instant back which takes fuji instax film.

instant back

Although the Diana takes 120 film. I’m personally not a big fan of it. It’s not like I don’t like the quality, it’s just too hard to find a processor in Adelaide. So I think if I do end up getting the Diana F+ I will go with the 35mm back as well!


Although I like to think I would get this camera next week, it’s looking a bit impossible. My other half has gotten a new car and given me his car “The Yellow Submarine”. Which means now I have to pay for petrol, registration and insurance. I haven’t driven in 8 years, so I have to learn all over again! I never wanted to grow up and pay bills 😛

Sunday Giggles 2

Another Sunday Giggle brought to you by me!

I think this guy is right, everyday you work on the enterprise is a HUGE party!


The other day I found this kitchy video on Gocco Printing. I only posted the first video since I’m too lazy to post both. Lately I’ve become more and more interested in Gocco Printing. I’m considering buying a printer but not sure if I want to pay that much for one. What is Gocco printing? Well a short explanation is miniture Screen Printing. A long one comes from our friend Wikipedia:

Gocco (プリントゴッコ Purinto Gokko, “Print Gocco”) is a self-contained compact color printing system invented in 1977 by Noboru Hayama. Gocco became immensely popular in Japan and it is estimated that one-third of Japanese households own a Print Gocco system.

Using flash bulbs similar to those found in old cameras, an original image is thermally imprinted on a master screen.

The name “print gocco” is derived from the Japanese word gokko, loosely translated as make-believe play. Riso Kagaku president Noboru Hayama explained, “We [as kids] learned rules and knowledge through make-believe play. The spirit of play is an important cultural asset. I thought that I wanted to leave “play” in the product’s name.”

I’ve seen some excellent examples of Gocco printing from people who live right here in Adelaide. Which is why I’m getting inspired to try new things. At university I wanted to major in Printmaking but never really had the drive to continue on, part of the reason I quit doing visual arts.

The other day I brought a fuji instax much to the displeasure of my other half. Strangely enough he is all about new technology, digital cameras, computers etc. While I like old technology like instant cameras, lomography, printing, etc. We’re a match made in heaven 😛



Today I did a little house work then read some comics. I really should get that room finished. I have 1000+ pieces of rement lying everywhere and I want to finish off my portfolio too and need a quiet space to do that. I know that I’m a web developer but I always like to start off with doing a mind map.

So I guess today’s emotion is “lazy”